Maa Sarada Devi

Sarada Devi, the divine consort of Sri Ramakrishna, born in 1853 played a significant role in furthering the work which her husband started i.e, the spiritual regeneration of India. She was unassuming and simple by nature, but her action, thought and speech were constantly in consonant with God Consciousness.

The relationship between her & Ramakrishna was as Mother & Son. He worshipped her as the Mother of the Universe. He not only taught her religion and philosophy but, carefully molded her character for future work. It is believed by the lay & monastic devotees her as living Durga and Sangha Janani. She first time introduced women education through Nivedita School. She Equally regards & belive all religion like Ramakrishna Dev & Swami Vivekananda. She first time introduced women Education through Sister Nivedita School in Kolkata.